Sunday, 14 February 2016

Online Dating Tips For Guys: Avoid These Mistakes


In the techno-age we are living in, one gadget that is most frequently used is a computer. Apart from for work or school, millions are now logging on in search of partners. Men are now able to travel the world with the click of the mouse to 'stand' before women they never would otherwise have met from all over the world.
The unlimited options are exciting but it is necessary to proceed with caution or you will keep spinning on your wheels and it would take you very long to find that dream woman despite being in touch with several. Below are three main not-to-dos when searching for that dream woman.
1) Half-truths and lies
It is a whole other game when you are meeting women on-line and when you are meeting them in the flesh. However, if you are seriously searching for a mate, the online dates will eventually become real ones. Avoid lying, exaggerating and telling half-truths because they will come out and it will be sad to lose a great potential partner because you told a lie in the beginning. Apart from what you say about yourself, post recent pictures of yourself rather than old ones or other people's photos.
2) Tread lightly
You have decided you are seriously searching for a woman to settle down with and bear your children but you do not want to put all that out there first. Concentrate on the personality and values you want to find in someone. Indicate that you are looking for a serious relationship or marriage as members are requested to indicate this on their profile. Get to know someone or two or three who come close to what you are looking for before expressing your heart's deep desire.
3) Act your age
Women love mature men with a clear sense of which direction they are steering their life towards. However, they do not want a dull, boring person who is one-tracked. They also want a soft, light, fun side that will tell them funny jokes, tickle them even, wine them and dine them, play in the park with them and the kids and surprise them with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates sometimes. Let that side of you come through too.
Finally, take it easy. Gear up for fun and some interesting time as you search for that special girl online rather than approaching it as an assignment to be done. Enjoy yourself and all the best.
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