Thursday, 18 February 2016

Debates Are Not Rehearsals For An Emmy

The debates for the upcoming elections in November of this year are making news - but they are making news for all the wrong reasons. It seems that the more outbursts of name calling and criticism, as well as who can insult the best is what is attracting a lot of voters.
If someone can insult, degrade, and lash out with words that describe the opponents as close to the bottom of the feeding chain - exactly what will voters learn from these exchanges and what insight do they receive about the type of President or leader this person will be? It seems that they are being viewed by the very young as heroes because they "tell it like it is." Not really - the last few elections have de- generated into shout fests, mud slinging and slogans that would make a sailor blush. Now this is the confusing part of all this - debating issues was always the core of learning what a person stands for and how they react to concerns of those they are seeking to govern. Blame the media if you will but the voting age citizens are the ones who are at fault. If they act like a school yard brawl when it comes to getting the facts, booing and cheering and shouting, then they will have to vote on "feeling" and not on "knowledge."
If you feel voting for a woman is your criteria, or a person of color, or someone who loves getting the limelight by outrageous stunts - then you will have a leader that succumbs to theatrics in the world arena and this someone who will give the impression that they are above dealing with poorer countries, people who are in need, and those on the margin of being thrown into destructive situations that they did not want for themselves or their families.
Try this scenario on for size - it is a fit-all for a country that has lost so much in the eyes of people who fought for or knew relatives who laid down their lives for a cherished life style that was hard fought and now even harder to keep alive and active. Listen to the candidates and demand that the moderators ask relevant questions on issues and problems, and not on personality and media needs for sensationalism. What do they believe is the course of action to follow for peace at home and around the world - how do we keep hunger away from everyone especially in a land that has more food than you can shake a stick at or stores that dispose of food by the billions of pounds because they are out of date but are following legal counsel not to share with those who need a hot meal or who put their children to bed on an empty stomach. Is the candidate you are interested in open to all religions, protecting all walks of life and life at all stages of development - do the young have opportunities and the elderly a safe way of life with freedom from fear of losing their homes and their pride? Does a child conceived in whatever circumstance be given the opportunity to taste life outside the womb and be welcomed into the loving arms of a family that will cherish who they are and what they can become even though it may not be their biological parents. If the claims of "pie in the sky" with everything free for those who back this person's agenda is just too real to be believed - then rest assured it is and the hoopla will quiet down and the bill will arrive in the mail because while you are a voter now - you are a taxpayer in the long haul.
The next time you may be given the opportunity to meet and greet a political candidate for whatever office they are seeking - have the courage to ask the relevant questions, those that will make or break life for a multitude of people, and the inquiries that will break the outward facade and let you glimpse into the values, morals, ideals, etc. of that person. Then on election day, go in with facts and information under your belt and know that your vote is for the best candidate "qualified" for the position and not because they can sling a remark quicker, or rely on their popularity even though they have skeletons in their closet that are breaking down the door to come out. Invest your time and your vote and help people be governed by elected officials that stand up for what is right, tell the truth and more importantly are not ashamed to have someone ask the question that they might be hiding now but when the truth comes out - it's too late - the dye has been cast and the crowd pleaser and the "in your face" attitude has worn thin and life can be unbearable for years to come - Something to think about.
©Arleen Schindler-Kaptur

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